Stiehl, Mike (editor) – Bomb Time For Bonzo #5

April 26, 2010

Website (where you can buy a few of these at least)

Bomb Time for Bonzo #5

The folks at Comixwerks sent me this last week, probably because they saw that I ran across the second issue of their series several months ago. I missed the ones in between so I’m not sure how much they improved in the other issues, but this one is significantly better than the second one. Layout, content, overall look… great stuff. Here’s a list of who’s in it and you can decide for yourself: Onsmith, Dylan Graham, Paul Hornschemeier, John Hankiewicz, Benjamin Chandler, Henry Ng, W. Lantz, and Matt Kapolczynski. As John Hankiewicz is my reigning favorite for the last few months, it follows that I’d have to love this book, right? Well, for once, yeah. There’s one page in the book that didn’t do much for me, but even that one was more of an “eh” reaction than anything actively negative. No, I’m not going to tell you which page. They still have at least a few more issues to go before they can challenge Toenail Clippings for best current anthology, but I can see how they could get there eventually. What are the stories about? Well, besides the samples, there’s not listening to your brain, dinosaurs sinning, a preacher, 9/11, and a living gingerbread man. It’s $2.50 and well worth a shot. Check out the website for ordering info. They’ve updated the site quite a bit lately, all kinds of samples and an interview with John Porcellino. What are you waiting for?

Stiehl, Mike (editor) – Bomb Time For Bonzo #4

April 26, 2010

Website (where you can buy a few of these at least)

Bomb Time For Bonzo #4

Another theme issue, this one is all about Halloween. Onsmith does a great story about a couple of friends making fun of/admiring all the costumes they see. Henry Ng chronicles the adventure of Hate, Fear, Death, and Love all attending a party and failing miserably at their tasks. Jeff Stein does a mostly wordless little tale about the devil and love, and Benjamin Chandler retells an old folk tale. $2.50. so the price jumped drastically, but it’s regular mini comic size now instead of tiny. Another solid issue out of this crew. They’re breathing down the collective necks of the Toenail Clippings crew for best anthology in my book… Contact info is above and below.

Stiehl, Mike (editor) – Bomb Time For Bonzo #3

April 26, 2010

Website (where you can buy a few of these at least)

Bomb Time For Bonzo #3

It’s pretty easy to make fun of the daily comics the newspaper, granted, but that doesn’t make it any less funny when it’s done right. Benjamin Chandler, Henry Ng, Onsmith and Rachel Drew lampoon Mort Walker, Garfield, Dilbert and Cathy, respectively. Jeff Stein also does some “Love Is” stuff that isn’t familiar to me, but I stopped reading that crap years ago. It’s a buck and it’s funny. Do you need any other reason to check it out?

Stiehl, Mike (editor) – Bomb Time For Bonzo #2

April 26, 2010

Website (where you can buy a few of these at least)

Bomb Time for Bonzo #2

Sometimes these little books are over with before you can form more than a vague impression about them. That’s the case with this book. I enjoyed it, but it was absolutely tiny. A story by Onsmith called What Porter Wanted, one by Henry Ng called Permanent Lesson (about a woman who thinks nobody likes her, my favorite in the book) and Is It Irony? by Benjamin Chandler. It’s only a buck, and that’s just right for something this small. Pick it up if you see it somewhere, otherwise you can order it on their website along with a number of other things, I’m sure. I just checked out the website and it has a fair amount of stuff on it, including samples of all of their work, if you’re curious. Kind of slow and not completed yet, but worth a look.