Website (where you can buy a few of these at least)
Bomb Time for Bonzo #2
Sometimes these little books are over with before you can form more than a vague impression about them. That’s the case with this book. I enjoyed it, but it was absolutely tiny. A story by Onsmith called What Porter Wanted, one by Henry Ng called Permanent Lesson (about a woman who thinks nobody likes her, my favorite in the book) and Is It Irony? by Benjamin Chandler. It’s only a buck, and that’s just right for something this small. Pick it up if you see it somewhere, otherwise you can order it on their website along with a number of other things, I’m sure. I just checked out the website and it has a fair amount of stuff on it, including samples of all of their work, if you’re curious. Kind of slow and not completed yet, but worth a look.