Cilla, Chris – A Moon, A Girl… Swonk (with Greg Petix)

April 22, 2010


A Moon, A Girl… Swonk (with Greg Petix)

There are times when I can resist scanning both parts of a wrap-around cover, and there are times when I just can’t help myself. Well, take a look at it, what do you expect? I’m only human. What you have here is a collection of strips, about half of which are completely random and unconnected, and about half of which are a long tale about a man trying to gather Hitler’s paintbrush, Hirohito’s monocle, Mussalini’s hairpiece, and Stalin’s moustache. The unconnected strips deal with the real story of Jesus, Chicken Soup for your ass, learning from the Road Runner cartoons, video “reviews”, why onions make you cry, and the origin of Swonk. I can’t tell you which set I liked better, which is probably a good sign for the comic as a whole. If you like newspaper strips that actually make you laugh (and they are a very rare breed), then you should probably check this out. $2

Cilla, Chris – Howling Swonk (with Greg Petix)

April 22, 2010


Howling Swonk (with Greg Petix)

Wasn’t I just complaining about newspaper strips yesterday? Well, you’ll be happy to know that this looks like a good one. It’s a small book, granted, and the content is a little uneven, but I could see where a big book of this could be pretty funny. It’s $2 for this one and I can tell you for sure that it’s well worth the money. Tons of random things happen, which is about as vague of a description as you’re likely to see, but there you have it. Let’s see… Uri Gellar’s daughter tries to kill the President because she loves Hillary, one man buys another a cock ring with unexpected results, and the Trix rabbit freaks out. A few of many and, like I said, most of them are funny. UPDATE 7/09/04: Chris has informed me that all the Swonk books are gone, but USS Catastrophe might be putting them all up on their website one of them days, so don’t fret!