Chase, Jamie – Muse #3

April 22, 2010


Muse #3

Following the bloodshed at the end of the last issue, Jamil seeks an audience with the “good” daughter of the wizard. The wizard gets wind of this and what ensues would be called by at least one television wrestling announcer as a “slobberknocker”. For those intelligent types who don’t watch such nonsense, that means a serious fight between two powerhouses. So, for my minor complaint that the last issue was a little too talky, this one ends up being about half conversation and half fight scene, which is one more reason why it’s a bit silly to review graphic novels in chunks, even if said graphic novel did come out originally in individual issues. It’s still a lot of fun for fans of the genre, please see my warnings in the reviews for previous issues if you’re not a fan… $2.95

Chase, Jamie – Muse #2

April 22, 2010


Muse #2

This seemed more like an “in between” issue than #1. You know, when a fair amount of action is followed by long text pieces and explanations about where things are going? Necessary, sure, but with all these monsters (and a genuine wizard) wandering around, it got my bloodlust going. In this issue Jamil (the young man on a quest) decides to get political and draws a cartoon about the wizard where everybody can see it… and everybody immediately knows who did it. This means that Jamil has to get out of town, but he can’t even manage to get to the bigger monsters before one of the little ones forces him to turn back. Meanwhile, the good daughter comes to terms with what happens, the bad daughter keeps her rage alive and the wizard loses all patience. Throw in some civilian casualites and you have another solid issue, if slightly less exciting than the first, whatever that means. The same caveat applies here as the last issue: if you don’t like fantasy epics, please redirect your attentions to one of the many other pages around here that instead deals with whining 20 somethings. $2.95

Chase, Jamie – Muse #1

April 22, 2010


Muse #1

Who likes a good fantasy comic? If that person isn’t you, it’s probably best to wander to another artist on this site somewhere. If you’ve been looking for a decent fantasy mini-epic, you may be in luck. A young man on a quest (is there any other kind?) jumps off a bridge to avoid being killed by a very large monster and gets fished out of the water by villagers from a secluded town. He finds himself dumped into the middle of a confusing politcal situation involving an angry dictator, a daughter with at least a slight capacity for mercy and another daughter who seems fine with continuing to kill everybody who disagrees with her at all. Naturally, our hero dives right into things, and we can already start to see the sides forming in this struggle. Oh, and did I mention the conjured dragons? Just in case you thought this was all political or something. An intriguing first issue, and there are a few more still here to get to in the coming weeks. $2.95

Update for 9/13/07

September 13, 2007

New reviews for The Bone Closet by Robert H. Stevenson and Muse #3 by Jamie Chase.

Update for 8/24/07

August 24, 2007

New reviews for There’s No Place #2 by Scott Oliver & Corey Bechelli (also available in the store) and Muse #2 by Jamie Chase. Sorry about the lack of an update yesterday, but occasionally real life does get in the way of this sort of thing. Happy weekend!

Update for 7/11/07

July 11, 2007

New reviews for Muse #1 by Jamie Chase and Dark Matter Mission for A Cooped-Up Cosmonaut by Christopher Davis (also available in the store). And even more new stuff for the store: This Is Still America #1 and 2 from George.