Update for 7/24/24

July 24, 2024

New review today for Adorable Murderers by John Reynolds, as it turns out that this is “let’s review stuff from 2021” week here at the old Sloth.

Update for 7/22/24

July 22, 2024

New review today for Sportsbar NY Part III by Martin Pohl, and if you know where to get further copies of this, please contact me. If not, everybody who’s interested can consider locating a copy to be part of a scavenger hunt. Fun!

Update for 7/18/24

July 18, 2024

New review today for Scumburbia: Mega-Sized Mall Issue by Sam Grinberg. How’s that new website design grabbing you? Good? Bad? Indifferent? If it’s provoking a strong reaction, let me know! Or if you want to design/upgrade my website in return for comics because of the fact that I’m still somehow unable to do anything past the most basic website design, also let me know.

Update for 7/16/24

July 16, 2024

Hey look everybody, a new website design! Eh, I’m still undecided about it, but my skills in that area are limited (to put it extremely mildly), so I don’t want to do too much and risk blowing the whole thing up. At least now everybody can see the years that the reviews were published, for those of you think I just came into existence a few months ago or something. I’ve been talking nonsense here since August 2001, baby! Even if the dates on some of those early reviews are messed up from past website updates. Oh yeah, also there’s a new review today for Ha! Magazine Summer 2024 by Robb Mirsky.

Update for 7/12/24

July 12, 2024

New review today for Total Eclipse of Brick by David Craig, happy weekend y’all!

Update for 7/10/24

July 10, 2024

Hey, those Santos Sisters are back! New review for Santos Sisters #6 by Greg and Fake Petre.

Update for 7/8/24

July 8, 2024

New review today for Cosmic Static by Bart Wolf, as I’m starting the week off on a cheery note. Sarcasm!

Update for 7/3/24

July 3, 2024

Hey look everybody, it’s a new issue of Meeting Comics! New review for The Divorce Party by Andrew Neal.

Update for 7/1/24

July 1, 2024

New review today for Odd Clods #7 by Steve Steiner, as the SPACE pile keeps shrinking but never seems to completely disappear.

Update for 6/27/24

June 27, 2024

New review today for Cartoon Flophouse by Michael Aushenker, as the reorganization of my comic review piles of really paying off!

Update for 6/25/24

June 25, 2024

New review today for Applewood Canyon #9-11 by Brian Canini, as yes, I’m still doing bulk reviews for his shorter comics. It’s my only chance to get through his pile! Speaking of piles (and stop reading here if you don’t care at all about behind the scenes stuff here), I finally got the time/motivation to put all the various piles of comics that I still need to review into one place. Now it’s four piles! Yes, that actually is an improvement. So if you sent me a review comic years ago and wonder why I never got around to it, well, your odds just vastly improved!

Update for 6/21/24

June 21, 2024

New review today for Dog Restaurant by Brandon Lehmann, in one of those rare reviews where I’m actually talking about the book in the month that it was released. I’m on the cutting edge!

Update for 6/19/24

June 19, 2024

New review today for The Fifty Flip Experiment #32 by Dan Hill, and no, I still don’t know if it’s “Fifty” or “50.” Maybe we weren’t meant to know.

Update for 6/14/24

June 14, 2024

New review today for Teen Girl Killed by Lauren McCallister, happy weekend y’all!

Update for 6/13/24

June 13, 2024

This week just about got away from me, but here’s a new review for Eyeland #13 by Nick Forker.

Update for 6/6/24

June 6, 2024

New review for the very last of the mini kus adjacent books, Good Night and Sweet Dreams! by Teddy Goldenberg. Until next time, mini kus!

Update for 6/4/24

June 4, 2024

It’s the triumphant return of Matt Kish, and a new review for Spudd 64 #5!

Update for 5/31/24

May 31, 2024

New review today for For Thee by Suzanne Baumann. Hey look at that, a full week of reviews! No, I’m still not through the SPACE pile, but I’ll sprinkle the rest of ’em in with the other reviews. There’s still a new issue of Spudd 64, after all, which should come as welcome news to a bunch of you. But I can’t review that without going back and reading the previous issues, now can I?

Update for 5/30/24

May 30, 2024

New review today for Anywhere Man #3 by Rob Cooley, and if you can find a website for the man, let me know, eh?

Update for 5/28/24

May 29, 2024

New review for Bad Day For Melvin by Aaron Zvi Felder. Hey, look at that, I’m more than halfway done with SPACE week! Maybe I’ll pull this one off after all…