Store woes…

Navigating the store can be a little pesky at the moment. Unfortunately, the products are organized by the author’s last name, currently. But as things get added, it may change.

I’ll write a search box for the store segment specifically. In the meantime, use the search link on the main menu to search for items in the store. It makes things MUCH easier. Basically, just select the “Optical Sloth Online Store” check box at the bottom of the list of checkboxes (its on by default) and you’ll be able to find what you’re specifically looking for.

Eventually I’ll get around to writing something so that we can organize everything by the Author’s last name or by the title of the comic. Until then, bear with us while we get everything up and running.

Posted on January 5, 2005, in Site News. Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Store woes….

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