Welcome to the new site!

Who, what, why?

Long-time readers of the site know that it’s taken a LONG time to get everything up and running, but I think it was worth the wait. There’s a store with 134 comics for sale (right now, that should grow once things get rolling), there are forums where people can gab about whatever they want, there’s a search option so you can find whatever you need, a comment option so you can comment on my ramblings, and you can even submit your own reviews for books! Not that I’m going to publish all of them (not entirely sure how that part is going to work yet, I’m mostly playing it by ear), but if anybody is interested in doing this on a regular basis and doesn’t want the bother of creating their own website, come on over! There will probably be a few problems in the first few days, just because that’s the way these things generally work in my experience, so bear with us, but I think this will end up being a MUCH better site than the original one and I’m hoping everybody who reads it will feel the same way. Hey, if you don’t, you can talk about it in the forums all you want! Any suggestions for improvements will be taken into consideration, as I don’t profess to be an expert at this (although Jon Stahler, the man responsible for creating this site, certainly is). I want this site to be as inclusive of small press comics as humanly possible and something that’s easy for everyone to use. I’ll be around a lot more to deal with your questions and concerns, as I’m recently unemployed for a little while, so look around, see what you think, and enjoy! One more thing: if you have any questions, post them in the FAQ and I’ll answer them. How easy is that?

Posted on January 3, 2005, in Site News. Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Welcome to the new site!.

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