Mirrsky, Robb – Sludgy #4.5

January 16, 2023


Sludgy #4.5

Hey, if the place selling the comics is calling it #4.5, I’ll do the same. It’s Sludgy! That’s what I say out loud when I see one of these comics, which is maybe odd and/or the sign of a problem, but it’s true nonetheless. This time around our favorite goop monster with the heart of gold is once again on the outside looking in, watching an older guy enjoying his day. They’re both in a park, but the old man is sitting on a park bench and feeding the birds, while poor Sludgy is alone in the bushes and he just wants to make a friend. But this time around, there’s a twist: the person he meets is blind. Is this all that’s been standing in Sludgy’s way of making a pal, or is it more his personality or goopy body? You’ll have to read it to find out, which I’m guessing most people of good taste reading this are already doing, so I guess this is more of an alert: there’s a new Sludgy comic out there! It’s an awfully sweet issue, and the mayhem is kept to a minimum, but if you’re still capable of processing joy there’s not much to complain about here. It’s probably a solid starting point if you are new to the series too, as you get a good peek into Sludgy’s world while still having a pile of backstory to catch up on once you figure out that you love it. $5

Mirsky, Robb – Sludgy #4

April 25, 2022


Sludgy #4

It’s everybody’s favorite constantly melting creature who’s just trying to have a good time, Sludgy! Which, in case you’re new to this, is actually more than one creature, and they can make more Sludgys through various bodily excretions. Vomit, specifically, at least as far as this issue is concerned. This one has three stories in it, each showing off a different aspect of life as a Sludgy. First up are two Sludgy friends as they travel through the forest. They get hungry and end up eating some mushrooms that have pretty extreme hallucinogenic side effects. Remember, these creatures can make conscious, sentient duplicates out of themselves, which is problematic enough when you’re not tripping in the forest. As it is, there’s some serious questions about which Sludgy is which and what aspects of what they’re seeing are actually happening. Next up in the story of a Sludgy whose home is in danger of being flooded, and since water can dissolve a Sludgy things get tense in a hurry. Finally there’s the Sludgy who just wants to introduce himself to a pair of young lovers. He stops himself, realizing that his appearance might cause a panic, and thinks he’s come up with a better way to say hello. I’ll leave it to the reader to discover whether or not he was correct. These comics are a hoot, and seemingly every story raises more questions about what exactly is going on with these creatures, so I’m curious to see what happens next. Bring on the Sludgys! $6

Mirsky, Robb – Sludgy #3

August 16, 2021


Sludgy #3

Well, this comic certainly lives up that tagline. Robb had a recap on the inside front cover dealing with what exactly a “Sludgy” is, which was a big help to somebody like me who was jumping in cold. The storyline itself didn’t seem like it needed much of a recap; this feels more like a series of adventures starring Sludgy, not some grand adventure where Sludgy saves the world at the end of it. Of course, if that does end up happening I’m going to end up feeling like a real idiot. This one starts off in fairly serious fashion, as two guys are digging a grave out in the swamp for a guy who’s currently in their trunk. When one of them goes back to retrieve the body he hears a voice from the woods and sees a shadowy figure. The man, what with him currently committing a crime at all, shoots at this shadow, which brings his partner to him. Then they both see the shadow, come to the same conclusion and shoot him a whole bunch of times. After that they split off to chase him, and mayhem ensues (yep, this is the point where I figure I’m getting to close to spoiler land). That covers a little more than half of the comic, but wait, there’s more! There’s an ongoing series of stories dealing with a mosquito who’s sucked up some toxic waste and the trail of destruction he leaves behind him, the natural result of a Sludgy sliding down a hill (and the hilarious conclusion), and the end result of a Sludgy trying to fly. As these creatures can split off from each other to make new Sludgys, there’s certainly a conversation here to be had about the nature of consciousness, whether or not the same consciousness in a different body is a new person or the same person, etc. But I’m not going to get into any of that, as it’s so clearly against the nature of this book, which is simply to have fun. That’s what ends up getting Sludgy into trouble every time, and it’s frankly refreshing to see in a comic about a toxic sludge monster. So yes, if you’re in the mood for some adorable horror (and you can keep those two ideas in your head without your brain exploding), this one is definitely worth a look. $6