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Poliwoda, Aaron – Low Blow #9

Website (where he might be on somewhere, according to Google, although I can’t find him)

22 East 22nd Street #306

Minneapolis, MN 55404

Low Blow #9

If that Roman numeral is correct, kudos to Aaron for making it to #9. I have no idea what the other 8 issues would be about, as this is basically the story of his life from college on, and it’s sure not like the internets are any help. He might be on that website listed above, or not, but that address should be good, and this is worth seeking out. This tells the story of Aaron’s first (and only) experience with roommates, how easy it was to stand out in a stupid small town, and everything in between until getting accepted to college to be a cartoonist in late 1999. Here’s hoping that doesn’t mean that this came out in 1999, because that would make that address almost certainly worthless. The only other story in here is a two pager about how wrestling is fake, which he admits isn’t necessarily a crucial topic, but feels compelled to point out that people really do get hurt and sometimes killed in wrestling matches. The art is occasionally crude but always amusing, the writing is a bit of “the whole world sucks” without being too maudlin, and he’s able to tell a pretty compelling story about himself, something not everybody is able to pull off. It’s $3 and may take some searching, but it’s worth it if you can locate one of these.