Lore #7
Upon further review (i.e. I’ve read one more issue), it looks like this series is a lot of fun. Put out a graphic novel, that’s what I say. The reviews at the start of the book of past issues are nice, but this is definitely the kind of thing that would be much better if it was read in chunks. I’ve read it small bits and it’s still a lot of fun. This one is mostly about a mysterious man who’s hunting vampires (I think) and Lore, the telekinetic werewolf finally meeting. Actually, that happens at the end, but the rest of it is about them going about their business. Great dialogue, a lot more of the story is making sense to me now, which brings me back to my whole “graphic novel” point. If you’re going to check this out you should get a few in a row just to get a feel for what’s going on, but I definitely think (after reading a couple) that it’s worth checking out. In a world where comics were published regularly I think this would be picked up in a heartbeat. Contact info is up there, check it out…