I keep forgetting to link to Patreon pages for people, but please give me a virtual pat on the back for remembering to do it at least once. Maybe one of these days I’ll go back and update the contact information for 23 years worth of reviews and good lord just typing that made me break out into a cold sweat. Anyway! This is a collection of a year’s worth of John’s “A Fistful of Babies” web comic. It’s rude, it’s crude, it’s probably going to offend you in some way or another… and it’s mostly hilarious. As always, when I’m reviewing a collection full of short strips, I’d strongly advise anybody curious to just check out his website, as it’s chock full of free strips. If you like his humor, you’ll know it fairly quickly. For everybody else who can’t be bothered to click a link, I shall now go on to describe comics that are meant to be funny, meaning that I’ll say what they’re about, but those descriptions will be missing the bits that actually make them funny. Don’t say I didn’t warn you! Subjects include realizing when you’re free from work, the horror inside of a melted snowman, a pretty solid nonfunctional internet joke but for life support, a punk mermaid, an embarrassed wizard, a formerly intimidating robot, a cleverly disguised principal, the grim reaper standing in the wrong place at the wrong time, a cat’s attitude to phone notifications, what the sun looks like from behind, a flasher bear, super fetus, a game of hide and seek that went too far, giving the sun a hug, an amoeba party, an alien losing a contact, and Garfield as a girl. That’s maybe a quarter of the strips, so don’t fret about me spoiling too much. I don’t know if any of these got a straight up guffaw out of me, but plenty of them got chuckles. What does that mean for a rating scale? Hell if I know, as I’ve never used one. Let’s call it a 73 and move on. $10