Chiapetta, Joe – Silly Daddy: The Long Goodbye

April 27, 2010


Silly Daddy: The Long Goodbye

For my money, one of the best books about parenting ever made. Not that it’s exactly about parenting, it’s just what happens to Joe when there’s a new child in his life. I also met him at a con years ago (I was wearing a King Cat shirt and he was good friends with the guy, so he called me over to his table). It’s a good thing he did too, because I had heard about his book but hadn’t actually read any of it before I bought that collection. This is a favorite of a lot of those Fantagraphics people too, so you know it can’t be bad.

Gaynor, Jerome (editor) – Flying Saucer Attack

April 23, 2010


Flying Saucer Attack

Here’s a partial list of who’s in this: Jessica Abel, Joe Chiapetta, Jennifer Daydreamer, Fawn Gehweiler, Tom Hart, Megan Kelso, James Kochalka, Dave Lasky, Ted May, John Porcellino, Brian Ralph, Zak Sally, Jeff Zenick, Jenny Zervakis and Aleksander Zograf. There’s more, and I can’t believe that there’s no review for this anywhere on my site, as it’s really one of the best anthologies of all time, not that I’m biased or anything. It’s also from 1995, so it’s one of the early small press books that I read, so there’s probably a bit of nostalgia going on over here. Still, take a look of that list of talent and tell me that it wouldn’t be great.