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Salazar, Souther – Field Trip


Field Trip

Here’s another mini that’s well worth the tiny price ($.50!). It has about 45 sketches of creatures at the aquarium and other assorted animals at the zoo. His sketches vary between quick and loose (sometimes you’re barely able to tell the animal he’s drawing until you take a minute to dig it out) and intricate, but never to the point where it loses the feel of being a sketchbook he brought to the zoo. No story here to speak of, obviously. Still, if you like his work and have an interest in seeing his interpretation of a myriad of animals (and a few people with their comments thrown in), then check this out. Order it with a bunch of other books from him, as this by itself wouldn’t really show you what he’s capable of. Contact info is all over the place on his page, I’m sure you can find it.