Update for 1/21/10

New review for the oldest mini comic yet: Itchy Scaly #2 by Brad Johnson.  And if you have any contact info for Brad Johnson, I would love to see it.  This was made in 1983, back in the good old days when Reagan beat communism up with his bare hands and there were no Transformers in the world.  It did make me think of something that I’m not sure how to deal with in regards to the comic rental idea: how do I compensate people that I either can’t locate or who may well be dead?  The general idea is to compensate every creator (who wants it) around $.04 per rental.  But one of the main ideas behind this rental thing was exposing people to books they wouldn’t otherwise be able to see, and this certainly qualifies.  Would you say that I shouldn’t rent this without express permission?  Say it’s OK because the comic is probably older than most of you are?  Rent it and just pay the man if he ever hears about it?  I’d love to get some opinions on this, because it’s a problem that will come up again and again, especially when you consider all the people who make comics for a few years and just disappear.   Thoughts?

Posted on January 21, 2010, in Site News. Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Update for 1/21/10.

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