Update for 1/4/10

New review for Hoax #3 edited by Karl Kressbach, and yes I am still alive, I was just taking advantage of that extra long weekend.  Things should be getting back to normal around here, although I find myself a bit low on review comics, so if you have anything new out send it my way, as there’s no waiting in the review pile.  The comic rental idea seems to be slowly coming together (but keep sending me your comments) and I’m coming around to the idea of compensating the individual creators when their books get rented.  Something in the realm of 3 to 5 cents per rental would go back the creator, probably on a yearly basis, subject to change once I get things rolling and see what I’m dealing with in reality.  I’d love to pay a one time licensing fee like the libraries do, but unless Bill Gates or the Turtles people are reading this and want to hand me a pile of money to get started I just don’t have the resources.  Oh, and if you don’t want your comics included in this for whatever reason, they won’t be included.  I promise not to leave any bitchy messages anywhere complaining about any specific person or hold any grudges.

Posted on January 4, 2010, in Site News. Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Update for 1/4/10.

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