Update for 6/14/09

New review for Archcomix #1 by Dan Archer, and I hate to shill, but I keep reading that it’s “summer reading season”, as if you need a season to read, and thought I’d direct your attention to that little “comics store” tab at the top of the screen.  Plenty of comics in there for a dollar (some even less), a pretty impressive pile of graphic novels (if I do say so myself), and a good chunk of the profits go to getting me more comics/keeping me alive.  Oh, and paying the actual comics creators, which theoretically inspires them to make more comics, which is why you’re supposed to support your favorite artists and not just read all their stuff for free on their websites.  So poke around, see what you can see and all that.  Sales pitch over…

Posted on June 14, 2009, in Site News. Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Update for 6/14/09.

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