Update: So here’s the story 4/14/08

Things had finally settled at work, I was all set to start getting the website back up to speed… when my appendix damn near exploded. I had to get it removed at the start of last week, they said it was roughly the size of a lemon (look it up in the google, that’s way, way too big) and, 6 days later, I’m just now starting to feel vaguely human again. The good news is that I have the next 3 weeks off work so in the next couple of days I’ll be able to start posting again, after that I should be able to get caught up on the mounds of new comics for the store. So yes I am still alive, and yes the website will be normal again soon, provided no more organs explode.

Posted on April 14, 2008, in Site News. Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Update: So here’s the story 4/14/08.

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