Update for 3/22/08

Huzzah for being done with this first of many projects at work! The grand total: 11 days and 136 hours worked. Go democracy! Updates today for As Eavesdropped #2 by Suzanne Baumann and Breathers #1 by Justin Madson. I’m really hoping to get the updates back to normal for next week, I have a ton of new stuff to go into the store and I’m slowly shuffling the existing stock into alphabetical order. Hey, any web designers out there who would like to redesign things around here? I could pay a bit at least, and if you like comics enough (because why else would you be hanging around here?) I could work out some sort of lifetime comic discount. Anybody interested please send me one of those e-mail things.

Posted on March 22, 2008, in Site News. Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Update for 3/22/08.

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