Update for 10/6/07

OK, I’ll admit it, last week got away from me completely. Between the birthday, starting work again (and the overtime that goes with it), my Red Sox being in the playoffs and trying to kill the flu that wouldn’t die, the website got shuffled off to the side. So I’ll make this pledge: for every week, I’ll get at least five reviews up. It may not be daily as most of you expect, but by the end of the week there will be five new reviews. Chances are things will settle back down to (more or less) normal soon, but just in case it happens again, I’ll make up for it over the weekends. So, for today, two new reviews: Negotiating The Beast by Sean Mac Roibin & John Robbins and Strange Science Fiction #4 by Matthew McDaniel. I also ordered some minis recently, so there should be a decent amount of new stuff on the way.

Posted on October 6, 2007, in Site News. Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Update for 10/6/07.

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