Update for 5/29/12

New review today for Troop 142 by Mike Dawson. So yeah, if you look at that sidebar you’ll see that I’m finally experimenting with ads. Feel free to support the site by clicking on them, as I’m looking to maybe get to a convention or two by the end of the year and that seems like a relatively painless way to help me get there. One thing though: if you see one miserable pop-up, or if one of those ads starts playing audio/video when your cursor hovers over it without prompting on your part, or if you just see something offensive (which to me could mean anything from those horrible right wing nutjob sites asking if Obama is either a bad president or the worst president ever to those “order a Russian bride” ads) then please send me an e-mail about it. Or if you run a comic and/or publishing company and would like to put up a banner ad, then hey, get in touch with me. Ideally I’d like any ads on here to be related to comics, but that’s probably down the road a bit.

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