Update for 4/9/12

New review today for Riptoid by Brian Leonard. I know that the fundraiser for getting me to SPACE fell short last year, so maybe people would be a bit more reluctant to buy comics to support it again this year (although I’d hope that the enjoyment you got out of buying some comics would outweigh that), so let me peel back the curtain here a bit. 95% of the comics that I review come from people who mail me review copies. There’s not a thing wrong with that and this site wouldn’t exist without it, but that also means that there are relatively few books that I review that I’ve “discovered” by just stumbling across them. It’s damned near impossible for me to get to conventions on either coast, so SPACE is the best chance I have of finding new books. Which, coincidentally, is also the best way that you have to READ about new books. Here, at least, as there are all kinds of sites doing great work on this front, but you see what I mean. So basically you have a little less than two weeks to buy $200 worth of comics (gas alone will be at least $100) to get me there. I’ll also be selling various oddities on eBay (mostly comics and graphic novels), and I’ll be posting that link up here daily. If you’re perfectly content with the way things have been going, chances are I’ll keep getting review copies for the foreseeable future, but if you’re looking for some different comics, then helping me out financially is the easiest way to make that happen. And you get comics out of the deal!

Posted on April 9, 2012, in Site News. Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Update for 4/9/12.

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