Update for 5/8/10

New review for The Fifty Flip Experiment #10 by Dan Hill, and he was nice enough to send plenty of these comics along, so expect to see more of his stuff in the near future.  Oh, and as I’m lacking a formal way to keep you guys updated on the rental thing other than these site news updates, I finished cataloging all the comics that I’m going to be offering for rental that aren’t under the umbrella of one of the comic companies who also gave me their OK.  Believe me, once I get the comics from those two companies listed that total will more than double, but for now, if you’re thinking about giving this a shot, it’ll start off with at least 550 comics of over 100 small press folks available for rental.  Old stuff, new stuff, no matter who you are there will be comics in here you’ve never seen before.  Just throwing that out there, I had to do something to make it clear that work is still progressing on this thing…

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