Harker, Ian – Ultimate Peanuts



Ultimate Peanuts

Have you ever wondered what the Peanuts gang would look like when they were all grown up and strung out on drugs? Well, look no further than this delightful comic. Also, if you’re one of the people who think that the Peanuts characters are sacred and shouldn’t be made fun of past a quick joke here and there, run for your lives? Charlie Brown is a pothead, Snoopy is near death and dreams of being Hitler, Patty and Marcie are lesbians, Pigpen is a drug dealer with a creepy obsession with porn and snuff films, Linus is retarded after a tragic tractor accident when he was sleeping in the pumpkin patch, and Schroeder is the gay lead singer in a goth band. You’re either going to love this or hate it, plain and simple. I thought it had quite a few funny parts, which is all you can ask for from a parody, and it’s free. It looks like you can either find Ian at a con and ask for a copy or send him an e-mail and see what happens…

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