Media Play #1 (with Tavi Luxveraldi)
I do love the webcomics. Well, not really, as I rarely visit them online, but it does make it easier for the purposes of review to say “Don’t believe me? Well, why not click on the website and check them out!” Makes me almost useless, to be honest, which is fine by me. All that being said, I didn’t think much of any of these strips. They’re all about one page long, and I’m guessing they’re all on that website up there. And they mostly have spelling errors, too/to problems or any of a number of things that drive me crazy. Come on, look at that cover. This looks like a professional operation. Then you open the damned thing up and it’s a mess. Strips in here are about gaming (computer and dice varieties), Helen Keller, and a lot of Star Wars stuff. Oh, and at least a few strips that don’t make the slightest bit of sense, but not in a good way. Like I said, check it out for yourself. It’s possible that I’ve finally reached my tolerance level for mediocre stuff. Some of the artwork here is great, don’t get me wrong, and there might be great stuff still coming from these people in the future. This, however, is not that great stuff. $2