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Yambar, Chris; Broderick Jr., George & Wheaton, Ken – El Mucho Grande: Wrestler For Hire

Website for Chris

El Mucho Grande: Wrestler For Hire

Let’s get this out of the way right now, as there are quite a few names at the top of the page: Chris Yambar is the writer, George Broderick Jr. is the artist and letterer, Ken Wheaton is the inker. Not that you’re probably going to care that much until you actually see the comic, but there you have it. I came into this one fully expecting to not like it very much. I don’t know what gave me that impression, but I get it sometimes and, well, I’m usually wrong. Instincts, schminstincts, that’s what I say. This one is funny and smartly written all the way through. It’s a collection of the first four issues (I’m guessing here because it’s in four parts and they’re all “to be continued”). One deals with setting up the character and sending him to Saturn, one is set in Asgard, one deals with the pure evil that is Walt Disney and the last one is a Christmas story. Of all of those only the Christmas story wasn’t fantastic, and that’s only because it got a little infected with Christmas cheesiness. Funny, intelligently written and expressively drawn, I’d say that everybody involved played a large part in making this as good as it is. E-mail Chris for info or just send $5 or so to: El Mucho Mail P.O. Box 1260 Youngstown, OH 44501-1260.