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Pointeau, Christine – When Are You Coming Home?


When Are You Coming Home?

Thanks computer! The last time I checked, the backspace key was for going back a space, not going back a page, thereby killing my review dead just after I finished it. Obviously it was a great review, probably the best ever in the history of the page, but it’s out of my head now. Sorry. And it’s possible I wasn’t being entirely serious there, for any incredibly dense readers. So how about this comic? Christine deals with a few fascinating philisophical questions, including trying to understand the true nature of the universe, asking about the value of fear (and whether it’s a good or a bad thing to lose one’s fear), making a landscape from pure thought, and trying to remember the things that her old soul is trying to tell her. Her genuine earnestness kills any desire I might have for a smart-ass comment or two, much as I would like to try based on my conflicting views of some of her theories. Still, it seems like very few books are asking these sorts of questions anymore, and anybody who likes a good, thoughtful comic would love these two books. $8.95