Lindo, Sara – Ike the Cat in Wall Street Cat: Money Takes Naps

December 2, 2011


Ike the Cat in Wall Street Cat: Money Takes Naps

Hey cat haters, you soulless monsters you: get an early start to your weekend, you’ll find nothing to enjoy here. For the rest of us people with actual human feelings, you’re in luck. This is the fictional story of a real cat who seems to have a job on Wall Street, although it appears from the story that his job is really just to listen to people complain. Anyway, Ike starts his day with some canned food, rides the subway to work (making friends along the way), listens to several people tell him their problems and calls it a day. It’s pretty much all sweetness and light; even the conversation with the H.R. lady went swimmingly. This probably won’t win any awards, but it has a cute story and it was the perfect heft and tone for a Friday afternoon. My only real complaint has nothing to do with the story and more to do with the cat. Ike in the comics is depicted with an “M” on his forehead, and his picture at the back of the book seems to confirm that. Why in the world would you start the name of such a cat with an “I”? Crikey, at least call him “Mighty Ike” or something to take advantage of that natural branding on his head. Use your imagination, cat owners, but he’s just crying out for at least a nickname. Sara sent along some other books too, so I’ll have a few chances to look at comics that aren’t all “look at the cute kitty” (not that I have much of a problem with that), but I like the art here and had no problems with the story. Worth a look, at least unless you hate cats, and I thought I told you people to leave at the start of the review? No price listed on her website, so I’ll go with… $5!