Spurgeon, Tom – Shelton #3

May 2, 2010

Website (not even sure if he even has this comic available, but it’s one of the best comic resource sites out there)

Shelton #3

Yes, that is the Tom Spurgeon who works on The Comics Journal. You have to know from that that this is a well-written, interesting book. Lucky for him, it’s also funny. Uh, lucky for him mostly because it’s the mood I’m in, and it helps me say nice things about a book if it fits my mood. That’s right, all these reviews are just random extensions of my mood. Isn’t that depressing? Anyway, this is about Shelton and his chicken trying to retrieve a “treasure” out of the attic. Hijinx ensue, and I do mean hijinx. Lots of physical humor, slapstick kind of stuff, and it’s all done well. This is a steal at a buck. There are three of these out there, at least as of this writing, and you can get all three for $2. Haven’t read #1, but #2 was pretty good too and I’d say just go ahead and send him the $2, you cheap bastard. Send money to Tom at: 7563 Lake City Way NE Seattle, WA 98115.

Wolfgang, Kurt (editor) – Lowjinx #4

April 27, 2010


Lowjinx #4

God bless Lowjinx. I don’t know if anybody has ever come up with the concept for this book before, but it’s about time. In case you can’t read the cover, it’s an anthology of childhood drawing from some of the best small press cartoonists around. Included here are James Kochalka, Sam Henderson, Ivan Brunetti, Nick Bertozzi, Greg Cook, Tony Consiglio, Jordan Crane, Pete Sickman-Garner, Jesse Fuchs, Megan Kelso, Alex Robinson, Kevin Scalzo, Tom Spurgeon, Eric Reynolds, Steve Weissman, and, of course, Kurt Wolfgang. Once again, with this book, it’s probably not going to appeal to many people who don’t already know the work of those cartoonists. But for those people, this is absolutely priceless. It’s $6, if you like the work of these people go to the Top Shelf website and beg them to sell you a copy. OK, I should tell you a little bit about it first, even though if that list of names didn’t sell you, I don’t know what I could possibly say to convince you. Eric Reynolds (is he even on my page yet?) had a mostly text story about the Fantastic Four that’s hilarious, Sam Henderson hasn’t changed much over the years except now he swears more, Nick Bertozzi has a great story about a dog who’s learning to roller disco, and Tony Consiglio… aw, just buy it. I don’t want to ruin anything else for you, and everything in here is fascinating when compared to their later work. Don’t believe me? Fine, look at this: