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Neuman, Jason & Hudson, Dave – The M.I.E.A #1 & 2


The M.I.E.A. #1 & 2

One thing is for sure about Jason and his comics: he certainly gives you your money’s worth. This is a collection of the first two issues of his Multiverse Incursion Enforcement Agency (in case you can’t see it on the cover), and it’s exactly what it sounds like.  Groups of heroes travel to different universes to stop potential threats.  This gives Jason (and Dave, who is the penciller while Jason does everything else) plenty of opportunity to get creative, as these teams of three heroes can be pulled from any universe ever thought of.  The first issue deals with a team that is sent to fight… oh, let’s be honest, it’s Godzilla.  It has a different name here, but that’s pretty much what it is.  The three of them fight it and quickly realize that they’re outmatched, but eventually pull together to exploit the creature’s obvious weakness.  Or they’re all brutally killed; I don’t want to spoil anything.  The second issue is a bit more complicated, as a completely different team sets out to find a group of raiders that also has the ability to travel between universes and is stealing vital supplies.  A Benny Hill-ish chase follows (except there are no women in bikinis) where we get to see a good number of other universes before finally wrapping things up.  It’s a great idea and the sky is the limit for what he can do with it.  The only potential problem I see is that the reader will never have the chance to get invested in any of these team members, although he is starting to develop the people on the cover who are actually commanding all these missions.  I’m sure that if this goes on into the double digits my other concern will go away, as they’ll probably start re-using the occasional hero.  Either way, these are a couple of issues that manage to be fun and exciting without veering over into being stupid, which is no mean feat.  Keep it up you guys, I want to see what happens next.  This isn’t listed on his website yet, but if the first issue was $3 then this collection must be $5, right?  It makes sense anyway…