Tyler, Carol – The Job Thing

May 2, 2010


The Job Thing

You know, it just always does me heart good to hear people complain about horrible jobs that they’re had. I don’t know what it is. Misery loves company? Maybe. As a current proud member of the temp workforce (based on the flimsy logic that something is bound to get me out of this “work week” predicament that the rest of the world is stuck in sooner or later), I have to thoroughly recommend this book. It’s around five years old, but Fantagraphics put out another printing of it recently (at least it was on my preorder page a couple of months ago), which shows that they’re trying to keep it in the public eye. Carol really has a great understanding of the workforce in general and what motivated some of her shitty coworkers specifically. She’s been a framer, a clerk at a bookstore, a waitress, a civil servant, and all kinds of other horrible jobs. There’s a neat section in the front that says some of the odder job titles that are recognized by the government and one in the back with stories sent in by readers. Great stuff and you can find it for somewhere between $5 and $8. depending on where you look. The only thing that sucks about it is that this has been out there for years and this is her only book. I hope she didn’t give up and join the work force…