Stupid and Unkind #2
Robin re-released the first issue of this too, with the same type of cover as this one. I’m leaving the old one up because I’m a big fan of his “busy” covers, even though the new one looks better and they make a much better set together. So how does his first fictional story hold up? Pretty well, I thought. This issue deals with Ronan predictably losing interest in his new “girlfriend” and conversations through his friends and his ex that end up painting a pretty clear picture of the guy. I did think that things wrapped up a bit too neatly, although part of the beauty of the ending is that you’re not at all sure how neatly things really were wrapped up. And no, I can’t really go into why that is, or it would ruin the ending. Duh. So good stuff from him again, and I look forward to reading his stuff evolve over the years.