Willis, Steve – Retreads #14

May 2, 2010


PO Box 390, McCleary, WA 98557-0390

Retreads #14

It wasn’t until after I finished this that I realized that this wasn’t a one time collection of various sketches and stories, but instead part of a long series of such books. Assuming that the other ones are all like this one, that is, which I suppose isn’t the safest of assumptions. Why not save everybody up for a “proper” comic and then but out a few sketchbooks?? Who knows, personal preference is what it is. There’s a surprising amount of “meat” here for a sketchbook type thingie though, so nobody is going to go away feeling cheated. It starts with a few playing card-like descriptions of various characters and events through history including Harry Truman (not that one), Jacko the Sasquatch, and some flying disks in the sky. After that it’s mostly a series of random sketches, promotional posters for various art shows and local events, and the one two page strip that I sampled below, with a bit of an obvious punchline but, as they say, it’s funny because it’s true. Still worth it for the $2 price tag in my book, unless you’re absolutely against any kind of sketchbook chicanery. $2

Krauss, Richard – Midnight Fiction 2008 Desk Calendar

April 24, 2010


Midnight Fiction 2008 Desk Calendar Now Available! $6

The contributors: Sean Azzopardi, Scott Ball, Hunt Emerson, Brad W. Foster, Allen Freeman, Richard Krauss, DC McNamara, John Porcellino, Bill Shut, Jim Siergey, Dan W. Taylor, Bob Vojtko, and Steve Willis. In case you’re wondering how this thing work, it’s beautiful in its simplicity. These are individual pages inside of a CD case, so all you have to do is flip the CD lid over backwards and you have an easy stand for your desk calendar. So instead of Dilbert or some other crap in your office cubicle, you can show the world how cool you really are with a calendar full of small press art. It starts with November of this year (2007), so you get a couple of bonus months with your calendar.