Blog Archives

Baumann, Suzanne – Serious Workout



Serious Workout

Here’s a tiny wordless mini from Suzanne, and for once I remembered to get more than a couple of her minis at SPACE so there should be a decent pile of her comics up here soon.  As she’s a mini comics making machine, I’m not sure which ones of the pile are new and which ones have been around awhile (this one has a 2002 date on the back cover) but hey, if it’s new to me it must be new, right?  This deals with a woman who has decided to start a workout video.  The video, as most of them are, is hilarious, and she starts uncontrollably laughing and rolling on the floor.  Her husband notices this, sees what she’s watching, and joins in on the fun.  The baby wanders in as well, and the whole family is having a rollicking good time… except for the cat.  As an aside, my favorite workout video moment: the instructor (OK, it was Tony Horton) commented on the triceps of one of his workout buddies as being “diamonds of gold”.  Seriously, let that roll around in your brain for a while.  Anyway, it’s another great mini from Suzanne, and for those of you who don’t necessarily scroll around these pages, scroll down a bit and check out the pile o’ minis she has for sale here.  All kinds of minis hidden in that brown wrapper! $1
