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Wilson, Jeff – Sap #6


Sap #6

Well, that alien invasion you’ve been waiting for (if you read the last issue that is, and if you don’t count the benign aliens that have already invaded) happens here. Worms all over the place, people getting all kinds of goofy with all the sap that’s laying around… mayhem galore. And, strangely, very little about the characters who seemed so central to the last issue, or at least they seem central to a brain that hasn’t read the last issue in a couple of years. Dan Zettwoch also did a backup story for this one, basically a public service ad about the dangers of sap, and Ted May is the one who put this issue together, so we at least know that he has great friends in the comic business. Good stuff again, although this one is desperately lacking the synopsis that made the last issue so easy to pick up and follow…

Wilson, Jeff – Sap #5


Sap #5

OK, right off the bat it should be obvoius that this series has a pretty hefty collection of characters. Mostly slackers of some kind of another and a few different species of aliens. The story here is that there are aliens growing underground, causing massive earthquakes all over the place, and it’s only going to get worse. The earth is doomed, in other words. Meanwhile there’s a hallucinogenic substance that comes from the alien underground that making the rounds through the group of friends and the aliens are trying to remain undiscovered. I’m still only scratching the surface of what’s going on here, as there’s quite a backstory on the first page (always a good idea, especially when there hasn’t been an issue of this for 4 years or so), but I’m curious to see what I missed, and what happens next. In other words, a job well done. The art and the writing are both great, so here’s hoping #6 comes out before the next presidential election. It’s only $2 for a pretty big book, send the man an e-mail at