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Polczynski, Stephen – Saki the Panda #2


Saki the Panda #2

One thing I’d recommend to anybody hitting the SPACE convention for the first time would be to pick up anything that has a “Day Prize” sticker anywhere near it. I don’t think I’ve ever come away with a crappy comic with that sticker, and I’ve often ended up with something genuinely great. I wouldn’t go so far as to call this one great, but I’ve only read the one issue so far. Give it time and it might be at that level. This is the story of Saki the Panda, as you may have guessed from that title. Saki lives in the zoo (just guessing here but it’s the only thing that makes sense) and, after a long day of getting stared at and hassled, only wants to get some rest. Unfortunately for Saki, a rave (for birds only) has started up with the drum and bass music, making it impossible for him to get that rest. Saki decides to walk over to this rave with his noise complaint, and what follows is a lovely tale of disguise, getting into a party based on who you know and dangerous brownies. It’s a fun story and the art is beautiful, to the point where I almost wish it was full sized to let some of those tiny details in the background shine through. Oh, and I hardly ever do this, but I couldn’t resist using the last page as the sample. Well worth a look, unless you hate all comics that are only about animals for some reason… $3