Kochalka, James – Reinventing Everything #2

April 27, 2010


Reinventing Everything #2

It’s hard to say that this is his most personal work when he’s made a career (in a fair amount of his comics, at least) of laying himself open to the public, but I’m still saying that this is his most personal work. It’s all about his reaction to 9/11 and how it led directly into his decision to have a baby. If that sounds like it doesn’t make sense, check out the sample and the rest of the book. They (James and his wife Amy) talk things over, live it up before they get pregnant and just go over everything involved with having a baby. I wish he would do more mini comics, but his schedule is pretty full with putting out two or three graphic novels every year and his daily comic diary, so it’s hard to bitch too much about a lack of Kochalka. Contact info is all over the place, I guessed $2.50 for the first one, so I’m sticking with it for this one until I hear different…

Kochalka, James – Reinventing Everything #1

April 27, 2010


Reinventing Everything #1

Looks like James is spending a lot of time with the mini comic format these days and, much as I love the vast majority of his graphic novels, his style is just about perfect in this format. This one is about video games, and spending time to see the beauty in everything, linked together with a fairly meandering central message. Which is fine with me, as I don’t read James’s stuff to see him take over the world with the power of his mind, I read it because I like the funny pictures and he invariably (when he wants to, anyway) makes me stop and think. His stuff is always worthwhile in my view and this is a much more affordable setting for some people, so check it out! If I had to guess I’d say it was $2.50, but that’s just a guess. His website is up at the top of the page, why don’t you go there and check out the other three (that I know of) minis that he’s done in the past year, along with the free daily diary strip? Oh fine, here’s the website, as all that scrolling could be a bit taxing.