Zettwoch, Dan – Redbird #1

April 27, 2010


Redbird #1

Three cheers for a regular series from Dan Zettwoch! OK, I’ll reserve the cheers until it’s an actual series instead of an intended ongoing series (I know how these things sometimes turn out), but if he does keep it up and if the other books are as good as this one, there should be a lot of happy folks out there. The first big story in this book is about an illustrator talking to a high school class. They’re bored silly, although he does finally manage to win some of them over, but the dialogue and the actions of the students are just priceless. There’s one short story about a man who gets his chicken dinner stolen and then a great little tale about making sweet tea. I won’t get into the details here, but if I had all of things needed to make this in glass form (which is apparently essential) I’d sure give it a try. Everything I’ve seen from Dan has been great and this didn’t do anything to change that opinion. Contact info is up there, it’s only $2 and well worth a look.