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Rocks, Tim – Pete Moss Summer 2011


Pete Moss Summer 2011

I have no idea if that is the actual name for the writer/artist, but if that is his name then he’s lucked into a fantastic name for a comic guy. Or just about any profession outside of a doctor, really, as nobody wants to think of their doctor as rocking. Random observations aside, how was the comic? Pretty consistently funny, which makes it a winner to me. Moving on to the next comic… oh, you want actual thoughts? Well, this is the story of a young boy (he says he’s between his tween and teen years) who finds out that he’s “terminal.” His parents get the message, it’s brought up to Pete as tactlessly as possible, and he gets shoved into a hospital room to wait to die. His thoughts turn to getting laid before he dies (so I guess puberty has hit the young lad) and he invites his girlfriend over to have that scene that I sampled below. Poor guy couldn’t even get the girl to change her rules when he was near death. From there we get Pete scamming two different “Make a Wish” type places, hiring a horrific prostitute, chancing into a legitimate massage center instead of a shady one that offers “happy endings,” and finally taking drastic action in the hopes of landing near a brothel while parachuting. Along the way he meets another terminal kid with a ridiculous speech impediment (I think I got the gist of most of what he was trying to say, but just barely) and degenerates into a bit of a mess. It’s not easy to make a comic about a terminal 12 (?) year old kid this funny, but Tim has pulled it off. This comic is already a little bit old (as is obvious from the title, which really needs a number instead of a date in it), but here’s hoping that there are more adventures of this kid to come. Which might constitute a minor spoiler, as that tells you that he didn’t die at the end of this issue, but you’ll just have to live with it. $3