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Parkhill (Kitley), Corey Marie – Omnibus



This might just be the best 24 hour comic I’ve ever seen. For one thing, if it wasn’t mentioned on the cover that it was a 24 hour comic I never would have noticed, which is an incredible thing. Most of the time with these things the art is so rushed and sloppy (especially by the end, and there are exceptions to that rule, of course) that it hardly seems worth the effort. This one breaks a lot of the rules people set up to make this easier on themselves. Almost every page has multiple panels, there’s a huge cast of characters, and there’s an interesting, if not fascinating, story behind the whole thing. What is it? Well, a bunch of people are riding the bus when it crashes, killing a pedestrian. It turns out that that was a good thing, but the end result is that everybody is trapped on the bus, and everybody has their own story. There’s the crazy lady who thinks it’s a sign of the rapture, the disenfranchised clown, the messenger from the mafia… I don’t want to give too much away because there’s a lot to discover here for yourselves, but let me repeat: I think this is the best 24 hour comic I’ve seen, and it’s certainly the best work I’ve seen from Corey Marie. So is it just Corey Marie or is it Corey Marie Kitley, like the cover says? Anyway, it’s $2, you can find it here, and you should think about checking it out.