Echavarria, Luis – Ole

October 29, 2011



Bullfighting! If you have an opinion about this “sport” and that opinion is not “barbaric, cruel and utterly lacking in any kind of a spirit of fair play” then we probably wouldn’t get along. I’m all for some cultural touchstones not being messed with by the modern world, and you may be too, in which case you probably don’t know how bullfighting works. See, it’s not just some guy with a sword who goes out there and takes on a bull. That I could get behind, as who am I to say how some dope kills himself? He could even more or less cover himself in glory for the rest of his short life. No, bullfighting starts off with a few people using sharp sticks to bleed the bull for a period of time before the bullfighter comes out. Once the bull is weak from lack of blood and starting to stagger, out comes the conquering hero! It’s still dangerous, granted, and it does my heart good to see a bull occasionally get a good shot in, but the game is rigged. Anyway, enough about bullfighting, what about the comic? This starts off towards the end of a bullfight, with the matador about to deliver the finishing blow. The trouble comes when that blow doesn’t finish off the bull. So they try more methods, increasingly vicious, until they manage to chop the bull’s head off. And that’s when it starts to get weird. My policy against spoilers prevents me from saying much more, but I will say that I loved where it went from there. Combine that statement with my earlier opinions of bullfighting in general and you may get some idea of what happened. Buy it, love it, give this guy some money already. He’s three for three in his minis that I’ve read so far, with more still to come. No price, so… $2.50?