Taylor, Dan W. (editor) – Pork Belly #2

August 16, 2010


Pork Belly #2

Ah, another tiny comic where I try to make it seem like I have something relevant away.  Oops, gave away the game there. I may be able to squeeze a few good points out of this review, but no promises here.  That has nothing to do with the quality of the comic (which was excellent, for what it’s worth), more about my own shortcomings, and this review isn’t about me, is it?  There are three stories in this mini, and I didn’t pick Dan’s because it was the only one page strip.  No, it was because it took me until almost when I started writing this review to get the joke, and anything that gets an honest chuckle out of me is definitely worth a sample.  The other stories are The End Of Me by Meeah D’zasteur (about a worm, its life and wonderings about the mysteries of the universe, followed quickly by a brutal death) and Obsessive Compulsive Order by Macedonio Garcia (four silent pages of the various household items that are needed to keep OCD in check).  I think Meeah’s use of the number 4 on one page and 5 on the other, compromising the background behind the four panel pages as they were repeated enough to cover the whole page, was an interesting choice fora background.  Maybe not a good thing, but for somebody like me who is always complaining about the lack of backgrounds in comics, at least some effort was made.  Of course, I was talking about the backgrounds IN the panels and not behind them in general, but why quibble?  It’s another solid mini edited by Dan, and his master plan to get as many artists as possible out there into the comics world is proceeding nicely.