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Bartlett, Andrew – Mad Cow Comics #1



Mad Cow Comics #1

OK, there’s good stuff in here, but there’s also plenty that got on my nerves, so let’s start with the bad. The grammar in here (“you’re” instead of “your”, etc.) is terrible. It’s wrong about as often as it could be. That might be a tiny, insignificant thing to you, but for some reason it’s one of those things that bugs the hell out of me. Then there’s the main story, about war and what it does to a person, which is a perfectly alright story… but then there’s panel descriptions at the end. Again, this might be only me, but you shouldn’t have to explain your comic right after the story is over. Then there are a couple of one page strips that are sort of funny, a rant about media that’s great (although it’s usually good, when mentioning independent news sites, to give some of them by name), and a rant about the terrible state of music on the radio today. That one was pretty accurate and funny, but I was left wondering just what kind of music the author did like. Oh, and I’m also not really sure who did what, but I think the two names mentioned at the top of the page are responsible for most of it. All in all a diverse effort, not too bad but full of a lot of simple (and easily corrected) errors. Here’s a list of e-mails, so you can check with them about getting a copy (it’s $1, by the way): Andrew Bartlett (author), Jon Lekton (artist), Alan Ferich (I think the guy who did the rant about music), and Simon Kugel (he did the rant about media). Andrew’s probably your best bet for getting a copy…