Taylor, Dan W. – Pork Belly #3

October 21, 2010


Pork Belly #3

One of these days I’m going to ask Dan at a con what exactly are the differences in his various anthology titles.  Theoretically he could just put them all out under one title, or there are basic structural details I’m missing.  As they’re pretty consistently entertaining it’s a bit of a moot point.  No sense in me complaining about one of the few guys in the business who puts out comics on such a consistent basis.  So how about the actual contents?  Things get started with a delightfully disgusting piece by Kel Crum about the standards of bird vomit, Macedonio has a piece about “illegals” and who to really be worried about and a piece about ethnic birds, and Dan has mildly awful pun on the cover and two other pieces inside.  Those two are fantastic, one dealing with a man shipping himself to save money on a trip and the eventual consequences and the piece I sampled below.  Embiggen that sucker and be amazed at how the encroaching police state hits even little kids, then get mad and do something about it.  I recommend watching some TV, like I’m one to talk about political activism.  It’s another pile of great stories for a measly buck, so what exactly is stopping you?