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Westerfield, Dean – Little Things (written by Jeff Guarino)


Little Things (written by Jeff Guarino)

Here’s a comic from two people that I haven’t seen much from in a while, and I’m not sure if this even counts because it was put out in 2001 (e-mail them to see if it’s still around, I’m going to go out on a limb and say that it will be). It’s a great moral tale about appreciating the little things and how seemingly random people and events can all come together. There are two children playing (a retarded boy and his brother), and old bitter man and a lonely, recently divorced man. They go through their seemingly random days until they all come together on a pier while the old man is fishing. It’s a sweet, charming comic and has a great message about cooperation. Check it out if you can find it, it’s worth checking around for…