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Berenstain, Adam – Last Wish #2


Last Wish #2

It’s probably best to start this off with a warning: this comic, the second in a projected six part series, came out in 2002. The website hasn’t been updated since 2004, and it looks like this was the last issue of the series produced. None of that bodes well for this ever getting finished, but it’s too good for me to ignore completely. It’s the story of Moses, a young man who is going through some profound changes in his life. He’s finally found a girl he wants to move in with, his job (with a far left publication) seems tenuous at best and he’s having a lot of trouble getting over family problems from his past. These past troubles are expertly woven into the main storyline; I don’t know when I last saw flashbacks go down smoother than these. The reader could have used a recap from the first issue, but I gather that was mostly about Moses meeting this new girl and setting things up a bit. As for the art, the backgrounds and objects are great, but the people are ugly as hell, just in case this is some sort of bizarre pet peeve for somebody. Still, all this adds up to is a lot of wasted potential, at least for this series. My computer is barely functioning at the moment so checking this out is impossible, but his name at least pops up several times in a Google search involving his name and comics, so here’s hoping he’s kept on with it and I just haven’t seen his latest stuff.$3