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Lustig, John – Last Kiss Preview


Last Kiss Preview

Is it cheating to review a tiny preview of a comic? Well, fine, then I’m cheating. I didn’t pick up a regular issue of this (as I was broke by the time I got to his table), but the story of the book was too great for me not to try it. John bought the rights to an old Romance series of comic books and puts his own dialogue in the bubbles. Sounds simple, I know, and it is, but it’s also pretty funny, or at least it seems to be from this little sample. This one is all about how Martha Stewart became a super hero and her rocky marriage. Oh, and irradiated fish. Funny stuff, I’ll have to get a real issue one of these days to write a proper review, but I can at least tell you that it looks promising and give you a website to check it out for yourself…