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Skinner, L. – Fitcher’s Bride



Fitcher’s Bride

To those of you who think that what the world needs now is a modern reinterpretation of the Bluebeard story, your prayers have been answered!  To those of who are a bit more ambivalent about the question but still enjoy a good 24 hour comic, you’re in luck as well.  Looks like L. managed to finish this with about 3 hours to spare, not a bad total for one of these things.  As is always the case, the art looks more than a little rushed and some of the lettering is bursting at the seams, but a good story trumps all that.  This is the story of three sisters, told from the perspective of the one pragmatic sister in the bunch.  They’re cleverly named (either by familial nicknames or through an impressive lack of interest in such things by the author) Bird (the main character), Sister One and Sister Two.  Sister One dates a man for about a month before deciding to get married, much to the chagrin of Bird.  They are both “lost at sea”, but Bird can’t shake the feeling that she’s going to see the husband again.  She does when he’s courting Sister Two, who can’t seem to see the resemblance between this man and the one who “died” with her sister.  They’re married, they both “die” in a house fire, and Bird decides to do her level best to make sure the man pays.  Her means of accomplishing this turns out to be through marrying him, hoping to learn his secrets before he manages to kill her.  She eventually learns more than she bargained for, and if I don’t quit now you’ll know the whole comic.  Most of the 24 hour books I see are a bit fluffy, plot-wise, but this one has heft.  Plenty of panels, and even if things seem roughly sketched out at times there’s still an impressive attention to detail. Worth checking out, and is often the case when I see a 24 hour book by somebody new now I can’t wait to see what they can do when they’re not under a self-imposed deadline. $2
