Blog Archives

Zimmerman, Katrina – The Magic Fishing Hook




The Magic Fishing Hook

One of these days I’m going to have to go through all the listings on this website (again) to find out current websites for everybody.  Katrina only had her e-mail address listed in her comic, but after a fairly substantial amount of online digging I found something that seemed current.  Hey, no big deal, I only have around 1000 people to check.  How hard could it be?  This comic is a fairly simple (and gorgeous) mini, dealing with a young boy trying to prove that he’s enough of a man to go out fishing with his older brothers.  His  mother makes his brothers take him out and, after having a spectacularly unsuccessful day, a previous thoughtless act comes back to him with a giant reward.  A fairly simple concept, granted, but Katrina executes it perfectly.  My only aesthetic  complaint is that she left all sorts of blank pages at the end and a couple at the start.  An artistic decision, I suppose, but I was enjoying the art so much that I wouldn’t have minded a short story or some sketches in those blank pages.  Not exactly a pan, as how negative of a comment could it be if my only complaint was that I wanted to see more of her artwork?  $1.50
