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Irwin, Jane – Vogelein #1


Vogelein #1

For whatever it’s worth, I was very pessimistic about this book and ended up liking it quite a bit. I flipped through the book a few months ago and saw rain, a sad fairy and more rain and figured that it was just another goth comic about elves or something. What saves certain books from that purgatory is originality of thought and execution, and this book has plenty of that. It is about a fairy, of sorts, but it’s about a clockwork fairy that was made hundreds of years ago and passed on to Guardians for generations. She needs to be wound to live, you see, so she can’t ever wander off on her own for long. The book starts off with Vogelein’s Guardian dying suddenly in his sleep, leaving her no one to look after her. It’s #1 of a five issue series that was already completed when it was originally published, so I feel kind of silly only talking about the first issue. Still, it’s all I have to work with, so bear with me. The art is gorgeous, as she says she’s not very good at inking, so has decided to paint everything. It would probably look incredible in color, but I’m guessing she’s not independently wealthy. This issue shows a lot of potential. Where it goes from here is anybody’s guess, but I’m definitely curious to find out. You might even like this if fantasy isn’t really your thing, as it’s all set in the real world. Check out the website, for all I know she’s already taken over the world. $3