Carver, Cris – It’s Cris Carver’s Fun Time!

February 7, 2013

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It’s Cris Carver’s Fun Time!

When you’re dealing with a box of 30+ mini comics, all sold in the package called “Lutefisk Sushi E,” there are bound to be a few comics in it that are… insubstantial. Plenty of them are tiny, as there would be no other way to fit them all into the box, but some of them make more use of their space than this comic does. Not that it’s terrible, it’s just kind of there. This comic is the story of a joke, told to another character that doesn’t want to hear it, and the joke isn’t funny. The person being told the joke reacts appropriately, the end. The art is erratic and more than a little sloppy (I wouldn’t be surprised to hear something about this being a 2 hour comic, if that was a real thing), as your characters have to remain the same from panel to panel no matter what story you’re telling. So yes, it turns out that there are comics in this box that aren’t all that great. I would have been shocked if everything in here WAS great, and the success rate is still pretty damned high, so my opinion on the entire comic set remains the same. If you find this individual comic sitting around at a comic store in the future, unless you have the corniest sense of humor in the world, it’s pretty safe to skip it.
